
Human beings have a fundamental need to build and maintain social relationships. Moreover, it is not the quantity that counts, but the quality of the relationships that we have with those around us that is most impactful. Lasting and trusting relationships with others help keep us physically and mentally healthy.


Grieving is a part of life and we are all confronted with it one day. However, it is less common when you are young. Mourning in young people is rarer than in adults. It is an ordeal in life for which we are never prepared. But being well surrounded and

Confronting death

Death is a subject that is not usually discussed. Also, dealing with one’s death can raise many questions for which there are no obvious answers. Serious illness and the loss of a loved one can be very difficult. Everyone experiences loss or the threat of death from illness or other


We all have our ups and downs, but sometimes it seems like we are stuck at a down. Adolescents and young adults often face times of upheaval that sometimes take a toll on their morale. If you have been feeling sad and melancholic for several weeks, it may be depression.


Obesity among young people began to increase in the 1990s. Nowadays, many studies have been published about the topic. We have a better understanding of its causes and health consequences. Obesity among youth increases their risk of developing health problems that can last a lifetime. And because young people are


Bulimia is an eating disorder. It can affect people of any age and any gender. It manifests itself in episodes of frenzied food consumption. People affected by bulimia are usually heavily critical of, and affected by their weight and physical appearance. They also often lack confidence in their body and


Not all pregnancies are desired, and abortion in Quebec is available to anyone who wishes to terminate a pregnancy. Your body, your decision. Choosing to undergo an abortion procedure depends solely on the person who is pregnant. And this decision can be made at any time during the pregnancy. However,

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