Unexpected pregnancy

Realizing that you’re pregnant without having planned it is one of life’s challenges that many face. In fact, it happens to people every day. But when you’re young, it’s important to know your rights and the options available to you. It’s essential to be able to talk to open-minded people and take the time to think about what’s best for you. Find out how to deal with an unexpected pregnancy as calmly as possible. But also how to get help and what your options are.

Unexpected pregnancy among young people

Unexpected teenage pregnancies, by definition, always come at a bad time. It’s a time when feelings and emotional states are in turmoil. Both positive and negative feelings can come flooding in.

Sometimes it’s the other way around: it’s impossible to feel anything when you discover the positive result on the pregnancy test. It’s as if the body’s emotional system had been disconnected. All emotions are valid, and anything a person might feel when they realize they’re pregnant is normal.

Because the pregnancy is unplanned and because of their young age, most young people don’t know what to do. In any case, whether or not the person has made a decision about what to do next, that decision rests solely with the person who is pregnant.

Your body, your choice. It’s your right.

There are 3 options available to people in an unwanted pregnancy situation. But before we talk about it, it’s important to know that this type of situation is not uncommon. A 2016 article in La Presse published “A study published last December in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada estimated that 47% of pregnancies in Canada are unplanned […]”.

As a result, every day you may come across people who have experienced an unplanned pregnancy. Getting pregnant without wanting to is not a sign of a lack of responsibility, and it happens frequently for many different reasons. There’s no need to feel guilty, and it is important to know that there are people who can help. If you feel the need, turn to specialized help services such as SOS Grossesse (Québec), SOS Grossesse Estrie, Grossesse Secours (Montréal)

Options for an unplanned pregnancy

There are 3 options for an unplanned pregnancy: abortion, becoming a parent or giving the unborn child up for adoption. We’ll look at each of these options in more detail.

Abortion in the event of an unwanted pregnancy

If you’re considering an abortion, also known as Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (VTP), you should know that it’s a safe procedure. It will have no effect on your health or your chances of becoming pregnant again in the future.

It allows young people to terminate a pregnancy free of charge in Quebec. The medical procedure takes about 15 minutes. And from the age of 14, you don’t need the consent of your parents or legal guardians to have an abortion. Before that age, you will need authorization.

Continuing a pregnancy with the intention of becoming a parent

If you decide to become a parent, you need to receive appropriate care throughout your pregnancy. That’s why it’s important to make an appointment with a healthcare professional such as:

  • a family doctor
  • an obstetrician
  • a midwife
  • a front-line nurse practitioner (FNP)

Placing an unborn child for adoption

If you want to bring your pregnancy to term and give your child up for adoption, you will need the same medical care as someone who wants to keep their child. So it’s essential to make an appointment and have your pregnancy monitored by a medical professional to ensure that both you and your child are healthy.

For more information on adoption, you can contact your local CISSS or CIUSSS.

Everyone’s experience of an unplanned pregnancy is different. And whatever decision you make, the most important thing is that it’s yours. Choosing one of these three options is always a courageous act. It’s a personal choice and shouldn’t be judged or stigmatized.

Why does the risk of unplanned pregnancy affect all young people?

The risk of unplanned pregnancy concerns all young people, whatever your gender. It takes two people to get pregnant without medical assistance. Therefore, contraception and protection during sexual intercourse concern everyone.

There are various contraceptive methods and means of protection, though it is important to remember that not all are equally effective. That’s why it’s essential to take the time to find out all you need to know in order to make informed decisions.

It’s possible to talk to health specialists, but your conversations will always remain confidential. Pharmacists can answer all your questions on these subjects. You can also talk freely to general practitioners.

You can also ask your teachers or librarians for documentation and information on the topic.

It’s also important to consider the obstacles you may face. Certain taboos surrounding sexuality can be a barrier to comprehensive sex education. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get informed. Moreover, it will help you lead a more serene and fulfilling sex life.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek reliable information and ask for help if you need it. You have the right to make informed decisions about your sexual and reproductive health, and that includes preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Are you pregnant and still not sure which method to choose? Know that you’re not alone and that there are people who can help you without judgment. When you make an appointment with a healthcare facility, the staff will take the time to explain each method to you. You can ask any questions you may have.


Livre – Le Choeur des femmes – Aude Mermilliod d’après le roman de Martin Winckler

Livre – Il fallait que je vous le dise – Aude Mermilliod


https://www.sosgrossesseestrie.qc.ca/grossesse-imprevue/ https://sosgrossesse.ca/fr

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