Overprotective Parents

When parents overprotect their children

Today’s society often pushes the newer generation of parents to overprotect their children from fear that something might happen to them. This behaviour might generally stem from the media, but sometimes parents can see danger where there is none. 

What is overprotection? 

Overprotection is an attitude that parents exhibit, which aims to protect their children in excess. These parents often have nicknames such as “mama bear” and less commonly, “papa bear.” They might deter or even prohibit the child from doing certain daily activities which slows them down in their quest for independence. 

The parents will be convinced that their surroundings are dangerous. 

Why are parents overprotective?

According to Dr. Ungar’s book, Too Safe for Their Own Good, parents of recent generations tend to say no more often than yes for their children to experience new things, because they are afraid of the risk and the deception that their child might have to face. They are often worried and anxious, so they smother their children. One of the main reasons for this anxiety and this need to overprotect comes from the media that reports almost every day different tragedies, kidnappings, and various news. 

Consequences of Overprotection 

Parents want to protect their children and that’s normal. But sometimes, they can see danger where there is none. Parent overprotection can cause problems for the child’s healthy development. 

Here are some consequences: 

Low self-esteem

Children gradually acquire various skills throughout their childhood. They could come across challenges and have to face them. However, if these children’s parents are too protective, they could feel unable to rise against the task and won’t be able to develop good self-esteem.   


Overprotective parents tend to do everything for their children or give them anything. When their children want something, they just have to ask and they will have it. This kind of behaviour encourages children to express themselves through fits and tantrums if they don’t get what they want. This can result in a lack of empathy and bad education. 

Dependency on parents 

If parents do everything for their children, they will not be autonomous and independent. 

Certainly, children can be helpless in certain situations. However, they also need to learn how to solve their problems on their own.” (Translated from French)

Intolerance towards failure 

If parents do everything instead of their children, if they help them through everything, they will not know how to deal with failure. 

Behaviour problems 

Because the parents overprotect their children, they might rebel against them, or have behaviour problems towards those who do not let them do what they want. They might also have bad grade results

Irresponsible children 

If parents keep helping their children in everyday tasks, they will not learn the concept of responsibility.

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