Announcing LOVE Quebec’s Alumni Circle & Ambassador Program

Have you ever participated in a LOVE program? Are you passionate about the impact it had on you? Do you want to help us spread our mission so that more youth can benefit from the experience of being in a LOVE program?

Then join our LOVE Alumni Circle and/or become a LOVE Ambassador!

LOVE Alumni Circle

The LOVE Alumni Circle is an online network for LOVE alumni and previous LOVE youth to continue to participate in LOVE activities and build friendships and relationships. The goal of the Alumni Circle is to create a safe space beyond their high school LOVE programs, in which alumni can continue to develop their emotional intelligence, artistic endeavors and social skills.

The Alumni Circle also invites LOVE alumni to take part in different LOVE alumni projects, such as the Ambassador Program and the LOVE Magazine, which will launch in 2023 ahead of LOVE’s 30th anniversary. Alumni can participate in it in any way they choose, through writing, photography, editing, or more.

LOVE Magazine

The LOVE Magazine is an online zine curated by LOVE youth and alumni – by youth & alumni, for youth & alumni. We are excited to launch the magazine as a collaborative project between not only youth from different schools and programs but also between the LOVE chapters, including British Columbia and Nova Scotia. The LOVE Mag editorial team invites LOVE alumni to be part of its editorial team and invites LOVE youth to write original articles, create artwork and to submit artwork to be published. We hope that it becomes a creative outlet for LOVE youth & alumni and a space in which they can explore their artistic ambitions and develop new skills!

LOVE Ambassador program

Being a LOVE Ambassador is about spreading the importance of LOVE’s mission and promoting emotional intelligence and resilience among youth and young adults. LOVE Ambassadors are leaders and agents of positive change in their communities.

LOVE’s Ambassadors are especially important to the organization, as they are past youth who have participated in a variety of LOVE programs. LOVE Alumni are an integral part of the organization and remind us of the importance of our work. The ambassador program aims to honor our LOVE Alumni while helping to expand LOVE’s presence.

LOVE is proud to see our alumni becoming engaged citizens active in their communities. That is why our LOVE Alumni are the perfect ambassadors, as they help show the impact of the organization on our youth and our community.

Your role

As a LOVE ambassador and LOVE alumni, your role is to:

-Spread the word about LOVE’s mission statement and programs
-Help foster a positive community within LOVE and beyond
-Participate in key LOVE events
-Connect with LOVE alumni and youth
-Be involved in special projects such as the LOVE magazine
-Promote LOVE through social media!

Benefits of being a LOVE ambassador

As part of LOVE’s goal to help youth thrive in their educational lives and beyond, we strive to equip youth and alumni alike with the skills to be confident and succeed. LOVE ambassadors benefits include:

-Possibility to attend special LOVE events
-Possibility to attend alumni meetings regarding the magazine, future events, etc.
-Ability to take on leadership roles in LOVE projects such as the magazine
-Gaining experience working in a team and in an established organization
-Expand social and professional network

More importantly, LOVE ambassadors help make a difference in the lives of young people.

If you are interested in being part of the LOVE Alumni Circle and/or LOVE ambassador program, contact Katherine at

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