LOVE’s youth and coordinators speak to Radio-Canada!

LOVE had the chance to be visited by Radio-Canada during a recent after-school program, during which LOVE’s own youth, Camélia and Carter, as well as program coordinator Véronique, spoke to the news station about the growing feelings of solitude among youth, especially post-pandemic. LOVE is proud to see our youth speak so openly and genuinely about this issue, helping to further the conversation surrounding youth mental health and solitude in this era of technology and online “connections”.

Our youth talk about the impacts of social media notably on the increasing feeling of loneliness they feel and highlight the fact that even though it is meant to connect one another, it can also cause us to feel more disconnected than ever.

We want to once again thank Radio-Canada for featuring our organization and our work in such a relevant and important article about an issue that we continue to raise awareness on daily. Read the full article here.